Sunday, March 16, 2008

Must-Read: Twilight

"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end"

I've been meaning to read Twilight for a while now. I was just finding the perfect excuse to buy the book( and I found one, Powerbooks is currently on SALE). I must admit that I'm half embarrased to admit that I read lot of young adult fiction. But then again, 3 years ago I had this guilty pleasure called Gossip Girl. I own a plastic-covered copy that I hardly shared with anyone. Now, thanks to the wonderful machine called mass media, GG has gained a serious following from all ages! I'm finally out of the closet.

I should tell you that I'm no lit expert. I read the classics, a lot of non-fiction, history, finance, even the almanac. But mostly I enjoy light reading(translate: chick lit). If
1. I finish reading something in one sitting
2. I remember quotes from it involuntary

Then that makes a good book for me. Twilight is gooood for me.

I started reading it at around 1 am. Forced myself to sleep at 4am. Woke up at 11:30. By 4pm I'm done reading it. Now I'm writing a post about it. It's a New York Times Best-seller, but it's not exactly critically-acclaimed. Yes it's predictable- but most forbidden love stories are, right? To appreciate the book, I say that you forget the hype, curl up on your bed, bear in mind that the book is a young adult fiction( a love story at that) and just read.

And if you're anything like me e.g. part hopeless romantic, part delusional(hahaha). Go get this book, quick! (while it's still discounted! it's worth less than Php300).
Twilight is a perfect Saturday evening to Sunday morning reading.

But if you don't really like love stories, don't read it.
It's not that cheesy by the way.

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