Monday, June 30, 2008

Livin La Vida LOLA Leon!

Madonna's Mini-me is making a fashion buzz at a tender age of 11!

Sidenote: Can you remember what was your fashion statement at that age? Mine? I don't wanna remember! It's a nightmare! I swear it's giving me the creeps! That hiphop shorts (more like of a puruntong)! I don't know what it's even called for crying out loud! It's like a 3/4 baggy shorts and I matched it with a matching super big white shirt. Let's do the harlem baby! Hahah! Ewwwness at a maximum level! I remember how me and my brother share the same clothes. Expect the worst! We're not necessarily fashion forward sibs. I even thought I was a bisexual back then. And my hair...gawd that hair was terrible! Nuff of this old school reminiscing, it makes me wanna vomit. But if you want to share those old school fashion disaster...just drop us a comment. :)

Now back to our litte Lola. I'm surprised how an 11 year old can pull off a ferosh look. Maybe she's Madonna's Little-Miss-Like-A-Virgin in the making that's why she has the license to look absolutely fierce compared to other 11 year old girls who's still figuring out how to work that leggings without even trying so hard.

She has that rockstar-popstar vibe going on! 80's meets grunge kind of thing. Blame it to actor-with-grunge-style dad Carlos Leon and popstar mom Madonna!


Anonymous said...

I remember my boomshakalak days! hahahaha! *LOL*

Anonymous said...

couldnt agree with u more lc! :P

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