Wednesday, September 3, 2008

One Tree Hill Season 6 Episode 1: Touch Me I'm Going to Scream

For awhile I thought it was indeed a BRUCAS season. False hopes! They made me believe for the first few minutes that BRUCAS will rule season 6. Disappointment.

Well...lucky Peyton. She's the one. Rejoice for the blondes! Lucas is the sweetest! I love him! haha!

And that evil nanny...karma really is a bitch! Welcome to the karma world Dan!

Season 6 is the thug (hahaha!)! OTH soundtrack now includes hot new hiphop tracks. Thanks to Q!

I think I've given more than enough spoilers. :p Go watch it now...i mean NOW! and Gossip Girl too!

Will watch the newest BH 90210 later. will post soon! xoxo


Anonymous said...

ok skipping this season then..haha. where's your BH90210 review!

popshionista said...

yuh....LEYTON...what a waste. owel. but im still looking forward to see brooke in action. haha.

sorry love, havent watched BH90210 yet. it's a 2 hour premiere. waaah but streaming is a bitch. ill post a review asap. :)

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