Monday, July 28, 2008

Twilight Series: Breaking Dawn Countdown

Yes, the fourth and final book is coming out on August 2! I've been hooked since M posted it as a MUST-READ! And we can't hardly wait till the movie comes out on December. I can just imagine myself crying my heart out for Edward. Haha!

But I think the book will come out on August 4 here in the Philippines. 2 days delayed...but I bet it's worth the wait. And for all you Bella-Edward fanatics (Sorry Jacob lovers...die hard Bellard here!), Fully Booked has a great great deal. If you reserve a copy before July 31, you get 20% off. Good thing is you get a discount and you'll surely get a copy!

I'm so excited! :D :D :D

I've got ebooks of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Drop us a comment if you want a copy. :)


Anonymous said...

hey, popshionista! i'm a new reader, but share your love for s. meyer's books! can you please send me the twilight ebook at ?
thanks!! :)

popshionista said...

hey mics! we sent the ebooks already. Enjoy reading! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi popshonista!! i havent read stephenie meyer's book yet , but when i read about it on the website, i planned on buying her book, but then didnt find the time and cant squeeze it on my budget,,,can you please please send me the twilight ebook as well? =)

Mimie del Rosario said...

hey popshonista! i'm always intrigued by meyer's series. mind sending me the ebooks at thanks.

popshionista said...

hi rome and mimie! ebooks sent! enjoy!

Unknown said...

give me new moon as an ebook plz. Pretty plz. Send it to

Anonymous said...

Hi! I have just finished the first 3 books but short of the 4th one..may I request for the ebook for breaking dawn pleaseeeee! I'm dying to read it! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

hi geoff and jackal! sorry for the late reply. ebooks sent. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey popshionista! I'm new to the series and I was wondering whether you could send me any ebooks from the twilight saga that you have so that I could enjoy them and carry them with me on my ipod? That would be great! Here is my email: BTW, would the ebooks definitely work with the 4th generation ipod nano?

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