Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Great Singapore Sale: SHOE Edition

Believe it or not, I did not go to Singapore because it's the Great Singapore Sale.
I was there to be with my bestessst friends in the whole world! Hang-out. Raid their fridge. Force them to buy free lunches for myself. Sleep in all day.. You know how a bum's life works.

Honestly, shopping wasn't really a top priority.

But... since I was already there, I felt I might as well embrace the whole Orchard/Vivo/Suntec brouhahaha!!

(Sorry, that's the innate shopaholic in me taking over)

So here's a rundown of the financial damages--- SHOE EDITION!

I bought a few pairs of flats.. One pair is for my sister (white Melissa, she's a nurse). And for myself I got 3 pairs of Topshop flats..Yes. THREE. Haha
Before you crucify me though, you should know that every pair was 60%-70% discounted..

You're drooling... I know..

(Look at that ballet shoes in the middle. Looookaaadat! The most adorable leopard spots.. I'm not myself when I'm wearing it, I'm Audery Hepburn..)

Oh, I got another pair of embellished TOPSHOP flats, for I♥.

Below, are the stuff I got for my colleagues (I choose the goods, they pay!).

Always, always Charles & Keith.

On sale or not, most C&K pairs in Singapore sells at (least) half the price of a Manila C&K pair.
That's worth the money spent on plane tickets.. I think. Haha

Total Damage for these four pairs? Around 128 SGD or $94.00.

I'll try to post the rest of my purchases (clothes) in the coming days.

By the way, if you're planning to visit SNG to shop, I say go around the month of July/August.. By then, most things are further marked down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These shoes are hot

you are visitor number...