Thursday, July 24, 2008

Macbook Touch...for real?

MacRumors are all over the place...Apple's next big thing...the Macbook TOUCH!

According to MacNewsDaily,

'Think MacBook screen, possibly a bit smaller, in glass with iPhone-like, but fuller-featured Multi-Touch. Gesture library. Full Mac OS X. This is why they bought P.A. Semi. Possibly with Immersion's haptic tech. Slot-loading SuperDrive. Accelerometer. GPS. Pretty expensive to produce initially, but sold at "low" price that will reduce margins. Apple wants to move these babies. And move they will. This is some sick shit. App Store-compatible, able to run Mac apps, too. By October at the latest.'

I totally dig the concept. But will they compromise the screen size? Considering that they'll embed the keyboard in to the screen...uhmm let's just wait and see...IF it's true.

Sheez...what can Apple not do these days?

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