Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hello Popshionistas!

It has been a looooooooooooooooooooong time. I myself can't remember how long it was. This site seriously needs a revamp. Apologies to our dear popshionistas. We have 1 good reason why we weren't able to update this blog. Work.

It's been crazy! Moving in another country, new colleagues and a dynamic working environment, I totally went mad on the first few months. Well, it's going to be exactly 6 months on Aug 23...thank God I survived! But I am happy. I love it. The challenge, the stress and the pressure...woot woot!

M on the other hand will be doing her masters at my favorite school and alma mater...Animo La Salle! So proud of her. Seldom do I know people who do things they want So carefree! I love it. M you are too good for that company anyway. Cheers to the good life, your new job and new school!

I have so much to post and so little time. For now, I'll leave you with my latest guilty pleasure...visiting Linda's blog. I met her at the Flea Fly Fo Fun Bazaar. She's the coolest! Wanna jump to her site? here!

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Must - Click : POLADROID

If you haven't visited this completely addicting site, click away!

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Recession: Manila Magazine Junkies, You're about to feel it

Two local women's magazines and one men's magazine (needless to say it's not going to be FHM) are folding soon. I can't name names right now, but we were told one of them is scheduled to close shop in July.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

♥ ♥ ♥ Hello Luuurve Month! ♥ ♥ ♥

I don't have anything to say. Just wanted to make a Feb 1 post. :p

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

TOPSHOP: Buy 1, Get Another 1 Free

I plan my whole year around this event.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Flick Pick: 'Signs' @ Schhh (

I remember way back college when M and I used to talk about our school stuff especially the field trips and how other subjects (mine was LITERA) require students to watch plays. I love plays. It gives comfort and nostalgia. Sounds corny...yes...but I still love it. But we always thought that watching plays makes you a cultured lady. Haha. M, I don't know if you still remember. :) But thanks to other social life priorities, the last play I saw was like 3 years ago. That's why I didn't miss this chance of seeing a short film online. I guess it's the closest thing I can get to watching plays. Yes, we're getting more and more tech dependent nowadays. Cheers to the available technology! And oh, thanks to J for sharing this site.

J said that I'll definitely love the short film 'Signs'. There was no note as to what the film was all about. Of course, the excited me quickly typed the address and navigated the site to see the film 'Signs' without reading the summary.

Uhm...what are the reasons that I'd probably love a movie? 1) scary horror flicks 2) gore movies with lots of blood and disgusting things 3) no brainer movies 4) cheesefest icky icky poo romantic movie madness.

All the while I thought I'm in for a gore or horror surprise but I was wrong. Seriously, it was a great movie! Not to cheesy, kinda funny and the characters made strong impacts. And guess what? The music carried the movie! There were minimal spoken words but still you understand what each character is going through.

Got time? Try visiting the site. It's more interactive than you thought.

'Words need not to be spoken for love to be awaken...' :) I can already feel February! Welcome to the LOoooOOve Month! :D

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