Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shake it with the new iPod Nano!

From being sexy to midget-y...then back to being sexy! I heart the new nano-chromatics! :D Thank God Apple thought of bringing sexy back! I wasn't a big fan of the midget-y iPod nano last season so this is great news!

And guess what? This sweet sexy thing offers some more surprises!
  • Genius playlist - this feature auto-selects songs based on the song you're currently listening to and automatically creates a playlist for you.
  • Find your music faster -you can now view your album art in Cover Flow
  • Rock and roll over - you can now tilt your iPod and view the screen vertically or horizontally
  • Photos - view your landscape photos as it is! cool!
  • Shake it - want to change songs with just a shake? now possible!
  • New games - and more interactive!
  • Rockin' 2 inch widescreen display!
Want more info? Visit the Apple site.

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